
Frequently Asked Questions

THE PARENTS– The first step in our process is to have the best dogs ever as parents to these puppies (and usually our parents are not for sale. Sorry).

THE INTERACTION– From the moment the puppies are born, there are at least 2 children holding and socializing with them, which is very important. As I’ve discovered from raising puppies, being a mom, and a nurse; Nurture always beats nature.

HEALTH– Healthy puppies are happy puppies. They get their dew claws removed around 3 days old and are vet-checked at 3 days old and 7 weeks old. They receive all their vaccinations. My vet comes right to my house so these pups are not exposed to anything.

POTTY TRAINING– Potty training is one of the top reasons people don’t want a puppy, which is why we try our hardest to start them on potty training while we still have them. I have narrowed down my potty training technique over the years and it even involves fake grass.

MORE INTERACTION– Socialization is important for all the little kids getting one of our puppies and it so happens that I have three children and all of their friends to get these puppies used to kids. Our puppies are great therapy dogs and wonderful for young children.

The last step is to let your family visit our farm and choose your perfect puppy. We love visits and some families come two or three times to experience those early stages of a puppy’s life no one ever gets to see.

  • To match puppies with forever homes suitable to their personality first and foremost. Along with satisfying customer’s preferences for breed, color and gender.

    Educate puppies to be confident and sociable with people and other animals of all ages. Readying puppies for specifically young children and discourage playful biting or nipping towards people, as well as jumping up on and barking at.

    Develop a foundation to build on for pottying outside and doggy door training, making the transition to their new home as easy as possible. Encourage play time during the day and sleeping through the night ,while letting puppy learn to differentiate spaces for sleep and play and spaces for pottying and eating.

    Vet check and vaccinate all puppies to ensure healthy dogs with long lives ahead of them.

    Desensitize puppies to common dog’ fears such as fireworks, gunshots, crying children, cars, etc. through our sound desensitizing program. Prepare puppies for careers in service, therapy, hunting and tracking work.

    Provide the best care for our female and male adult dogs, who remain the most important piece while breeding and raising wonderful puppies.
    Educate first time dog owners, beginners, and even young, fearful children on how to care for and make a puppy a successful member of the family

Kingdom Pups USA is an ethical and state licensed breeder. We want to ensure you understand several different aspects of our program that potential families/buyers have typically expressed were their own concerns when searching for a humane  breeder before they found our program.

Our dogs are viewed by us as family dogs, not breeding males and females. We typically keep 5-7 adult dogs on our property (a 200+ acre farm) at a time. Our dogs come into our home, spend constant time with our family and friends, and spend time outside in our GPS fenced in yard. They go on frequent unleashed walks around our property, enjoy swimming in our ponds and creeks, and going on runs with myself and my kids. The adult dogs sleep in our beds or in their kennels in our heated garage. Female dogs are never overbred and have 2 litters of puppies a year or less. Litter frequency is very dependent on a females heat cycle, but her health would never be compromised in order to ensure a breeding takes place.

We have a fully heated outdoor dog building with plumbing. In the dog building there are 5 individual 200 square foot kennels (half indoor/half outdoor) where the dogs can sleep inside but potty outside by going through 1 of the 5 doggy doors. The outdoor half of the dog building’s kennels is covered to keep out the rain and snow. We also have two large outdoor dog runs that are about 400 square foot a piece and connected to this building. We pride ourselves in keeping these kennels and outdoor runs clean so that our parent dogs and the puppies are NEVER having to sleep or play in their own messes. When we have a litter of puppies outside in the kennel, their pen is cleaned at least twice a day.

This brings me to where are the puppies specifically born and raised. Our doodle puppies are nine times out of ten born in our home in a whelping box that is in a private room to give the mother and her puppies a relaxing environment. I have found privacy is important for mother dogs to help them relax and focus on their new puppies, especially if they are first time mothers. The puppies are typically born inside our home so that I can provide more constant check-ins on them and mom. If a litter is born in our outdoor dog building it is definitely the summer months and the mother is more comfortable in the private dog kennel, which tends to be quieter at times when our home is busy. I am with every female throughout their labor to ensure safety and support. No female dog would ever be put in danger to produce a litter of puppies, and if there is ever any sign of a difficult labor or problem the female would be taken straight to a certified veterinarian. During a female dogs pregnancy she receives at least one veterinarian check to ensure the health of herself and the puppies.

Once puppies are born they remain in their whelping box in our home for the next 2-3 weeks. During this time, the mom actually cleans up any puppy mess because the recycled nutrients are beneficial to her. Puppies are weighed daily to ensure they are growing promptly. Any puppy not gaining adequate weight is given supplemental milk formula. All puppies dew claws are removed at 3 days old and vet checks and shots follow in our veterinarian’s recommended timeline. Female dogs with puppies are not kept locked with their puppies and can be let outside at any time. We frequently let them outdoors during the day (5-8 times) so that they remain happy and healthy. Not surprisingly, I have to persuade our female dogs to take more potty breaks than they would like to because they love laying with their new babies in the whelping box, a very natural mothering instinct takes over, even for first time moms. Mother dogs that are pregnant or nursing are fed diets consisting of raw meet, a high concentration of healthy fats, and dog food formulated for mothers.

Once puppies are more mobile and they open their eyes, they move from inside our home to the separate dog building on our property. At this point, keeping the puppies environment clean becomes more our responsibility and the floor, dog beds and blankets they spend their time on is cleaned daily. From week 3 to week 5 the puppies are allowed to move around freely in a 100 sq. foot kennel. Their mother is allowed to move around this kennel as well as use a doggie door, which the puppies cannot yet access, to go outdoors in another 100 sq. foot area. Puppies older than 5 weeks gain access to moving between being inside and outside as they please by moving through the doggie door. They also have access to one of the two large outdoor dogs runs (400 sq. feet). Puppies are updated on their vaccines and wormed as necessary by our veterinarians requirements. Puppies are introduced to water and are free to eat the constant supply of puppy chow as they please around 5 weeks of age. Mother dogs are always let out to stretch their legs and relax from caring for their litters several times a day, no matter the age of the litter.

To ensure that our puppies are socialized well, we are constantly spending time with them. My kids and their friends are some of our most frequent puppy “socializers.” Puppies are checked several times during the day. A puppies health would never be put at risk for any reason. We do often take puppies on outings to either the local hospital or school I work at. We do temperament test every puppy. We also practice ENS training.

My vets recommend for the doodle breeds that puppies leave at 8 weeks of age. I will typically allow a few days short of 8 weeks and up to a few weeks after 8 weeks for pick up if that works best for a certain family and as long as the puppy is on a healthy growth track.

Our breeding dogs are selected based on their genetics, confirmation and their temperament. We have the sweetest mama dogs who nurture and groom their puppies to become sweet caring dogs in the future. And socialization from day one with children, adults, other animals and unique environments builds puppy’s confidence and teaches them about their place in the world.